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With 26 plus years of experience, I know how to

best advise you!


Hello and welcome to the Tsataros Law Office. I am a former prosecutor with over 25 years 
of experience handling thousands of cases including speeding and traffic tickets, DUI, and more serious misdemeanor and felony offenses. I am now here to apply my vast knowledge and experience in the criminal justice system to your case. I am licensed to handle all cases across the states of Illinois, Indiana and Florida. 

I pride myself on my ethics, my connections and my experience! I listen to my clients, determine what their legal issues may be and then explain in a straightforward manner
what penalties or punishments they may be facing and what their options are to resolve
their case. I am a seasoned litigator and am not afraid to fight for my clients in and out
of the courtroom. I return all client phone calls within the same business day and set very reasonable fees on all matters. 

Please contact me today at 773-991-7607 for a free consultation and let me help you solve your legal problems.





Highly Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving the Chicagoland Area


If you are charged with a crime in Illinois or Indiana you will be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony. You will be required to go to court and answer to the charges and defend yourself. Facing criminal charges can be a stressful and difficult experience. When you are facing criminal charges, the most important right that you have is the right to hire the lawyer of your choice to represent you in court. This may be one of the most important decisions that you will make in your life. 


The consequences of losing your criminal case can change your life forever. Not only could you be facing the very real possibility of going to jail, but you are facing the possibility of having a criminal conviction on your background which will follow you around the rest of your life. A criminal conviction may result in you losing your job if your employer finds out about it. A criminal conviction on your background may keep you from being admitted to college or a university. You may not be able to receive financial aid to help pay for your education. Any future employer that runs a background search will see the criminal case on your record and may not hire you because of that.


With most criminal cases, whether you win or lose your case comes down to whether you have the right criminal defense lawyer representing you in Court. The right criminal defense attorney is one who has the knowledge, legal skills, necessary experience, and proven track record to represent you and to give you the best chance of winning your case. You want a criminal defense attorney who focuses his efforts exclusively on handling criminal cases. You want to find a criminal defense attorney that is widely respected and recognized for their skills and for their accomplishments. You want to hire a criminal defense lawyer that understands what you are going through, understands what's at stake, and understands that your case is the most important thing in the world to you. You want to find a criminal defense attorney that will guide you through the legal process, explaining to you what is happening at every step of the way. You want to make sure that your criminal defense lawyer will return your calls and your text messages and will make you feel comfortable with how your case is progressing.


Dan Tsataros is the Right Criminal Lawyer for Your Case


Dan Tsataros is a criminal defense attorney who has spent 25 years handling criminal cases throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. Dan Tsataros only handles criminal cases throughout Chicago Metropolitan Area.  Dan Tsataros wants to be the best possible criminal defense lawyer. Dan Tsataros knows that he cannot do that while trying to handle divorces or personal injury cases. Dan Tsataros understands that when a client understands what is happening with their case, and understands what the plan is, that client can help him handle the case to a successful resolution. Dan Tsataros returns all his phone calls and responds to all his emails and text messages immediately. It's the least he can do for his clients.


Chicago criminal defense lawyer, Dan Tsataros, has the experience and the qualifications to give you the best chance of winning your criminal case and avoiding a possible jail sentence and a criminal record that could make it impossible for you to ever find a good job. Dan Tsataros has the positive reviews from clients that will give you the confidence to know that you are hiring a great lawyer who has your interests at heart and will provide you with the service and attention that you deserve.


Free and Confidential Consultation with a Great Criminal Defense Lawyer


Dan Tsataros is always available to help you with your case.  You can call Dan Tsataros anytime for a free and confidential consultation.  You can always talk to Dan Tsataros personally by calling him at 773-991-7607.  The help you need and deserve is only a phone call away.


Here’s just some of the criminal cases that Dan Tsataros handles:

  • DUI

    • DUI and a CDL

    • Second DUI

  • Theft

    • Retail Theft

    • Shoplifting

    • Burglary

    • Residential Burglary

    • Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle

    • Identity Theft

  • Criminal Trespass

  • Domestic Battery

    • Aggravated Domestic Battery

  • Domestic Violence

  • Weapons Charges

    • Unlawful Use of a Weapon

    • Unlawful Use of a Weapon by a Felon

  • Drug Crimes

    • Possession of a Controlled Substance

    • Possession of Cannabis/Marijuana

    • Possession of Cocaine

    • Delivery of a Controlled Substance

    • Prescription Drug Possession

  • Bond Court/Bond Hearings

  • Deferred Prosecution Programs

  • Distracted Driving

  • Street Racing/Drag Racing

  • Violation of Probation

  • Violent Crimes

    • Battery

    • Aggravated Battery

  • Violation of Order of Protection


Highly Experienced Domestic Violence Lawyer-Providing Effective Defense to Domestic Violence Charges


Dan Tsataros is a highly experienced Domestic Violence attorney who has spent over 25 years representing people who have been accused of, and charged with Domestic Violence throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. Criminal defendants who are charged with Domestic Violence are often faced with a criminal justice system that is stacked against them. When the police arrive at the scene of a Domestic Violence call, they are conditioned to believe the accusations that are made against an individual that is accused of Domestic Violence. It's as if a person accused of Domestic Violence is presumed guilty right off the bat. The presumption of guilt against people charged with Domestic Violence continues once they enter the court system. 


Most Domestic Violence criminal cases are heard in dedicated courtrooms that only handle Domestic Violence cases. The Judges who preside over Domestic Violence cases are conditioned to believe that everyone appearing in their courtroom who is charged with Domestic Violence is guilty. The Prosecutors who work in the dedicated Domestic Violence courtrooms are also conditioned to believe that everyone that is being charged with a Domestic Violence case is guilty.


Dan Tsataros has been handling Domestic Violence cases for over 25 years. Throughout his over 25 years of handling Domestic Violence cases, Dan Tsataros has seen how the political climate and the societal changes have impacted the way Domestic Violence cases are treated by police officers, Judges and prosecutors in all the courthouses throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Different Judges in different courthouses throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County, approach Domestic Violence cases differently. Dan Tsataros is a Domestic Violence lawyer who has the knowledge and extensive experience in handling Domestic Violence cases to understand how to effectively and successfully handle Domestic Violence cases throughout all of the different counties and all of the different courthouses in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Dan Tsataros is well-respected and admired by the Judges and Prosecutors that handle Domestic Violence cases throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area.


What is Domestic Violence in Illinois?


The Illinois crime of Domestic Violence is set forth in 750 ILCS 60.   You can be arrested and charged with Domestic Violence if you make physical contact or physically abused a member of your family. What's considered a member of your family is more expansive than most people realize. A member of your family can be your current spouse, an ex-spouse, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, your children, and your step-child.


You don't have to hurt the other person to be charged with Domestic Violence. The Illinois Domestic Violence law allows police and prosecutors to charge you with a Domestic Violence in two ways. The first way you can be charged with Domestic Violence is if you physically harm the other person. The second way you could be charged with a Domestic Violence is if you made contact with another person of an insulting or provoking nature. An example of the second way that you can be charged with Domestic Violence is if you spit on someone. The Illinois Domestic Violence statute considers both types of conduct to be Domestic Violence and the Illinois Domestic Violence statute punishes each type of Domestic Violence the same. Practically, prosecutors and Judges treat defendants charged with a Domestic Violence that causes physical harm more seriously than when the Domestic Violence charges involve a touching of an insulting or provoking nature.


What is Aggravated Domestic Violence in Illinois?


The Illinois crime of Aggravated Domestic Violence is set forth in 750 ILCS 5/12-3.3.   There's two ways that you can be charged with Aggravated Domestic Violence in Illinois. The first way that you can be charged with an Aggravated Domestic Violence is if the victim suffered great bodily harm or permanent disfigurement or permanent disability. The second way that you can be charged with an Aggravated Domestic Violence charge is if the victim was strangled. If you placed your hands around the victim's neck and the victim was unable to breathe, even for a second, you can be charged with Aggravated Domestic Violence. Aggravated Domestic Violence is a very serious criminal charge in Illinois. If you are convicted of Aggravated Domestic Violence, your custody and visitation rights with your children may be affected. Many people charged with Aggravated Domestic Violence find themselves being prosecuted by special prosecutors who only handle Aggravated Domestic Violence charges.


What is the Sentence for Domestic Violence and Aggravated Domestic Violence?


Domestic Violence is a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois. However, if you are convicted of Domestic Violence, unlike most misdemeanors in Illinois, you cannot receive Court Supervision. Court Supervision would allow  you to avoid having a criminal conviction on  your criminal record if you successfully completed your sentence.  Since Court Supervision is not available for a Domestic Violence case in Illinois, the lowest sentence you can receive for a Domestic Violence in Illinois is Conditional Discharge. Conditional Discharge is basically a conviction that can never be removed from your record. That's what makes a Domestic Violence criminal charge one of the most serious misdemeanor crimes in Illinois. The inability to receive Court Supervision and to avoid a criminal conviction on your record makes Domestic Violence a serious criminal offense in Illinois. The only ways to avoid a permanent criminal conviction for Domestic Violence is to win your case or to convince the Prosecutor to reduce the Domestic Violence to a Simple Battery. If the Domestic Violence charge is reduced to a Simple Battery, it is possible to receive Court Supervision and to avoid having a permanent criminal conviction placed on your record. If you are convicted of a Class A Misdemeanor, the maximum punishment is one year in county jail and a maximum fine of $2,500.


Aggravated Domestic Violence is a Class 2 Felony. Aggravated Domestic Violence carries a potential prison sentence of between 3 to 7 years. You can receive probation for an Aggravated Domestic Violence charge. However, you must serve at least 60-continuous days in jail if you are guilty of Aggravated Domestic Violence. The 60-continuous days in jail is mandatory under Illinois Law and cannot be waived by a Prosecutor or a Judge.


Award-Winning, Nationally-Recognized Domestic Violence Lawyer to Fight Domestic Violence Criminal Charges


Dan Tsataros has the experience and the qualifications that you need to effectively and successfully fight your Domestic Violence criminal charges. Dan Tsataros understands how to fight Domestic Violence cases and to come up with effective defense strategies that have been proven to be successful in defeating the false Domestic Violence allegations. Dan Tsataros understands the impact that a Domestic Violence charge can have on your future and on your ability to have contact with your children. Dan Tsataros understands how the current political climate can play a major role in your Domestic Violence case and will use his extensive experience to successfully fight your case. Dan Tsataros will review all of the evidence and will make sure that you keep your criminal record clean and keep your good name clean.


If you are being charged with Domestic Violence in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, or Lake County, you can contact Domestic Violence lawyer, Dan Tsataros anytime for a free and confidential consultation. Dan Tsataros is a Domestic Violence attorney that has the experience and the proven track record to help you win your Domestic Violence case and to clear your good name. You can always speak to Dan Tsataros personally by calling him at 773-991-7607.


Facing a DUI or OWI charge can be a very stressful and intimidating situation for many people. There can often be layers of complicated legal issues to analyze concerning not only criminal charges but driving privileges as well. I have handled thousands of these cases and can tell you honestly up front what penalties you may be facing both criminally and with respect to your driver's license as well. I constantly keep updated on the law to guarantee my clients the best defense possible concerning every aspect of their case. Out of state drivers also need an attorney who can tell them how an out of state case affects them in their home state. I can explain the consequences of these crimes in both Illinois and Indiana.


Contact Us

Very professional, honest, trustworthy
and dedicated attorney

Ed Wiges


Phone Chicago: 773 991 7607

Phone Florida: 239 849 6700 


Chicago:  800 S. Wells

                Chicago IL 60607

Indiana:   9800 Connecticut Dr                            Crown Point, IN 46307






American Bar Association

Chicago Bar Association

Cook County Bar Association

Hellenic Bar Association

Illinois State Bar Association

South Suburban Bar Association

West Suburban Bar Association


© 2019 by TSATAROS LAW

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